Using this information your doctor will recommend the best individualized course of action to further optimize your health.
An annual physical exam is an important staple in everybody’s health and wellness routine. It is recommended that adults get an annual physical every year to make sure that they are in outstanding health. Yearly health screenings can catch diseases in their incipient state before symptoms occur, improving the chances of a better prognosis. It is important to note that the frequency of your check ups depends on a combination of various factors such as your age, health, and family history.
When preparing for your annual physical exam it is important to write down any concerns, questions, or goals that you’d like to review with your healthcare provider prior to your appointment. It is also important to create a list of all the current prescription medications, over the counter medications, and dietary supplements that you are taking to review during your appointment. Using this information the doctor can recommend the best lifestyle changes to optimize your health that suit your current goals. For those interested in taking initiative in living longer and healthier lives, we highly recommend booking an annual physical exam with us here at Josefina F. Tur M.D. P.A. So what are you waiting for? Take control of your health today!